Senior wins congressional debate

Chris Michaelis

Senior Dylan Lindly is looking forward to the Hole in the Wall district speech meet April, 3-5.

Senior Dylan Lindly got first place at the State Speech and Debate competition in congressional debate, which took place March 15. He participated in mock congressional proceedings, debating bills and legislation with other debaters from across the state.

Lindly said, “there was a ton of tough competition so I was really surprised when they announced that I got first.” Since his sophomore year, Lindly has competed in Speech and Debate and has gone to over 30 speech meets, including nationals. “Speech has been a really good way for me to learn how to research difficult topics effectively and communicate what I know with people who don’t understand simple topics. Over the years I’ve improved a lot in my speaking, reasoning, and presentation skills.”

Though he’s one of the teams strongest debaters, he’s optimistic about his successors. “There are a lot of really good debaters lined up for next year,” said Lindly, “and as long as Ms. Hinrichs continues to coach here, there will always be a lot of success.” Among these debaters are juniors Jacob Jahiel and Judy Chen. One of the biggest contributors to Lindly’s success is Coach Marla Hinrichs, “she is the only reason I was able to take state this year and make it to nationals last year. She taught me the best ways to communicate my points with my judges.”

In the coming weeks Lindly hopes to qualify for Speech and Debate Nationals with his public forum debate partner Jacob Jahiel.