Lady Bronc soccer improves with new coach

  Sheridan High School is taking a turn in their athletic program this year. Along with a new head coach for girls soccer, the team is taking a new look at their approach when it comes to working together. The girls started their season on March 5 and have been working to better themselves with each practice. This year’s season started out rough due to weather conditions and a lack the ability to get time on the field. Though these adversities set the team back, they have been quickly working to improve their skills.

  “This team is a lot different than other soccer teams,” said junior Braylee Standish, “In high school soccer there is a purpose to the things we do. It is fun, but we actually have good coaching and practices.”

  Practices differ every day, and the team is always focusing on working on specific things. Head Coach Kevin Rizer puts this into light, describing his coaching technique as aggressive. “Boys approach the sport as if they are they expert, but girls I think are more coachable and want to get better,” said Rizer. Each day is a different practice where they will work on things like defense and shape, one-touch and trapping, and physicality. “The great thing about this group of young ladies is that they get better; everyday they have gotten better,” said Rizer.

  Not only do the girls work to better themselves in practice, but they constantly try to improve during games as well. The team is focusing on keeping a positive outlook with their games. “We haven’t won as many games as we would like to, but every single game we have gotten better,” said Standish. “We have played well, but we just haven’t been able to execute up top as well as we would like to.”

  Another team focus for the year is to make everyone welcome in the team. The girls stick to the motto “In unity is strength,” which defines the idea that the whole team plays as one and not individually. “The goal is to really love each other, and they are achieving that very nicely,” said Rizer.

  Most upperclassmen in teams tend to be the focus, however this year the team leaders have made sure they include the younger team members and make them feel welcome. “Some years you feel like you’re kind of an underdog compared to the upperclassmen,” said Standish. “The juniors and seniors have done a very nice job at pulling the underclassmen in and making them feel welcome.” This is a big help when it comes to how the girls perform on the field. “It helps a lot, you would be amazed at how differently people play when they don’t trust someone on the field,” said Standish.

The girls are also seeing new changes with their new Head Coach. “I used to be the boys soccer coach here, and I stopped to spend time with my daughter,” said Rizer. “It kind of struck me that I could coach girls soccer and have her be part of it.”

  This has been a big change for the girls; however they have expressed no disappointment. “What he has really brought us is support,” said Standish. “He actually cares about how we feel and act toward each other.  Last year when we stepped on the field, we were playing for ourselves, but this year he has showed us how to play as a team and care for each other.”

  Rizer has no regrets with his decision on coaching the girls this season. “To be quite honest, I absolutely have loved coaching these girls,” he said. “They are incredible and I wish I would have had then the last three years as well.” Being good athletes off of the field in a focus for the girls, and they have worked with community service at the VA this year.   Making it to state is something the girls hold as a bigger goal, and to do just that they plan to win their first game in regionals. “Remembering what it’s like to win again and believing in themselves are the key things,” said Rizer. This year’s state tournament will be held in Jackson on May 18 and 19.